Specialist Accreditation

To be Accredited as a Specialist


Applicants for accreditation are advised to refer to

  • the "Information Guide for Applicants - General" and
  • the guide for the practice area in which they seek accreditation (if any) 

to be familiar with the criteria to be accredited.

 Information Guide for Applicants - General (updated 20 December 2024)

Building and Construction Law

Maritime and Shipping Law (updated 20 December 2024)

Data and Digital Economy Law (updated 20 December 2024)


Web icon Application for Accreditation

Web iconReference Statement

To be Reaccredited as a Specialist


Specialists are advised to refer to

  • the "Information Guide for Specialists - General" and
  • the guide for the practice area for which they seek reaccreditation (if any) 

to be familiar with the criteria to be reaccredited.

Information Guide for Specialists - General  (updated 20 December 2024)

Building and Construction Law

Maritime and Shipping Law

Data and Digital Economy Law

Marketing Your Accreditation


Web iconApplication for Reaccreditation

Web iconApplication for Leave of Absence


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